Plumbing Expert

Welcome to the WEBLOG of Wenning Technical Services Pty Ltd; a company providing specialist plumbing consulting, inspection and investigation services.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Shower floors that dont make the grade

There are many cases - especially in building renovations where inexperienced contractors lay tiles on a flat surface.

Australian Standard AS 3740 – 2004 Waterproofing of wet areas within residential buildings, Appendix C, states that, “The recommended ratio of fall within a shower area is between 1:60 and 1:80”.

Constuction of your shower floor with appropriate fall toward the waste outlet will ensure that your shower is not turned into a "mini swimming pool".

In instances such as pictured above, the contractor was found to be unqualified. Demolition of the tile floor revealed that the substrate waterproofing was also sub-standard. The tiling in both ensuite and bathroom will need to be stripped and redone. Estimated cost: $10,000.